Message from the active community to the Staff


This thread was originally in the staff forum and has now been made public.

Dear founding admins, Jugglingman and Agentred,

Over the weekend, something terrible happened: Arcane went down. We know that mishaps do happen from time to time, of course, but this one was left unresolved for a while. The problem continued for 32 hours since it occurred, and that is an extremely long time for an active server. This was not the first time we needed you, and the time it took for you to act upon a problem has been getting longer and longer.

This occurrence is one of many that highlights something we have all been thinking: you two either have not enough time to attend to the server, or you no longer care about it as much as you once did. We want to be very clear here. Our point is not to drive you away. We recognize the time, work, money, and effort you have put into Arcane. We recognize that you made the amazing community possible on Arcane. However, some change has to be made because if we continue on with absent and disconnected admins, then Arcane will cease to exist.

We all know Arcane has not developed into what you had in mind and would enjoy, but we do know that you came from a vanilla server where PvP was necessary. Arcane has become nearly the opposite of that. It has become an amazing server where everyone comes together to build something grand. It has become a shining jewel in the sea of Minecraft servers, but, lately, the shimmer has diminished due to lack of care.

It became clear that the you have gradually been losing interest in the server. During the first months of the server, you were constantly playing and interacting with the server. Admins were always on Mumble to chat. You started community projects, such as building the spawn underground. These were the best times on Arcane. However, as time went by, the admins just started to disappear. After scrapping the unsuccessful PvP tournament, you didn’t get involved in event planning and just faded away from the core community.

It has became increasingly difficult to keep in contact with the administration. We had to rely more and more on the server community, players and moderators, to get opinions on important subject matters, such as with the Highway project, the Fortress Farm spawning issue, and some other community events. The idea of Spawn Cleanup was brought up to prevent the relocation of the spawn point. The future events were organized by mods, without concerning the administration with it as much.

Since Arcane’s first birthday, most administrators started fading away. Khuzdbuzd, who became admin after threatening you to leave, stopped playing. Morios, who was helping out on the server backstage, has to prioritize school above Arcane and is very rarely available to help with issues.

Frankly, had the player base not been made of incredibly active and community oriented players, Arcane would’ve died back around Christmas 2014. It is us who made Arcane what it is today: a formidable server made of incredible builders, redstoners and community oriented players. A server of the utmost quality, like none other out there.

We propose:

[ol][li]You become “Founders” of the server: We will recognize your roles in founding Arcane. You can take a back seat in the day-to-day activities and give your roles to SimonOrJ and Melium. This will give us opportunities to get back on track while you guys focus on work and school. If warranted, a small group of us will take over any and all associated fees.[/li]
[li]We name SimonOrJ, the fourth moderator of Arcane and the best community player we have, as a new administrator. He has worked his butt off building and rebuilding Spawn, has lead large parts of cleanup operations and has helped in countless ways to fix Arcane internally as well as many other things.[/li]
[li]We name Melium as second administrator. His knowledge of IT, helpfulness to new players, and involvement with the community–as a player and a moderator–are the proof that he has what it takes to become an admin.[/li]
[li]We (temporarily) demote inactive members. New admins will name the new staff based on their activeness and trustworthiness, starting with the old moderators: Bbycake, Dragon_DLV, greasy_bandit, and Champatriot.[/li]
[li]We start a new map once stable 1.9 comes out. We will keep the current map as the “Old Arcane” and use Multiverse to allow for ease of play between the two worlds. This will allow us to keep and showcase the great builds we’ve done over the years. We believe starting fresh along with this new update will boost Arcane, and, thanks to the new team and our strong community oriented player base, it will be a new start for us all.[/li][/ol]

We are convinced that the majority of the active player base agrees with us. We know they do care about Arcane as much as we do. It is unanimously our favorite server, and we want it to see it live and thrive, not shrivel and die due to the absence of management by its admins.

We want to be honest and open with you, so we give you this choice. If you do not listen to us and refuse to acknowledge us or downright refuse to address our points, we will just go away. There is no point with playing on a server where the admins aren’t much better than cardboard cutouts of themselves. And we have the knowledge to create our own server if necessary.

But really, we don’t want to leave Arcane or create useless drama. Again, we recognize the work and money you put in this server, and we thank you for it. Not to quote from a very weird presidential candidate, but we want to make Arcane great again!

We thank you for reading this and we hope we can engage in a conversation with you.


SimonOrJ, Ytorgonak, Champatriot, DClem, Drekkel, Melium, Mozos, greasy_bandit, bbycake, Dragon_DLV, and Scozzar.


I can’t really speak on Agent’s behalf so I’ll respond individually with how I feel. I appreciate the time all of you took to illustrate your concerns in such a well written post.

You are correct. Arcane has been put on the back burner for me. I still love it and there are lots of things I still want to do, but at this point in my life, other things have taken priority.

I agree with almost all of your post. Sorry if I sound terse, I’m not exactly great at writing. Regarding your proposals:

[ol][quote]You become “Founders” of the server: We will recognize your roles in founding Arcane. You can take a back seat in the day-to-day activities and give your roles to SimonOrJ and Melium. This will give us opportunities to get back on track while you guys focus on work and school. If warranted, a small group of us will take over any and all associated fees.[/quote]

I still want to remain an admin and I want to be involved in major decision making discussions. I know I don’t play very much anymore, but I regularly check skype and try to sign on to the server every other day or so. I am fine with continuing to pay for the website, and can pay for the server if needed.


Agreed. Possibly one more administrator may be a good idea.

I’m not opposed to this but I don’t see what issue it solves.

I’m also not opposed to this, but you’ll definitely want to check with the community as a whole to make sure it’s ok.


Again, thank you for writing this to us. I know this sounds fake, but I do understand and sympathize with your concerns, and I want to make an effort to resolve them.


I feel the same way as Jugglingman does. You make good points and your plan sounds sensible. I’m really sorry I haven’t been on the skype in so long, I do check the forums nearly every day but I think people forget they can PM me. If we want to discuss your proposal in a skype call or Mumble, that would be great and I’ll make time this weekend to do so.

I love Arcane and it’s clear to me that you guys do as well- Simon, I think you’ve built about half of spawn counting the various utilities and functional builds. My workload is a bit like the tides, and it’s looking like I’ll have a little more free time coming up so I’m going to vow to be more active at least on weekends.

The plugins I’ve built for Arcane should all be on GitHub, open for anyone to look at. I won’t say they’re great code to read, but I’m always willing to discuss them. If Melium takes over as chief IT Guy, I’ll still continue building / updating plugins as requested. I need to know about bugs and requested features, though, and waiting for PMs about it just hasn’t worked. I need to be more active, and this proposal has just underscored that.


Ok, so firstly, I’ve moved this from the staff forum to general so everyone has a chance to see our replies and chime in if they’d like.

Ok, so:

The fact that none of us admins signed on in those 32 hours is a big problem, just wanted to acknowledge that.

Ok, so I agree that we need to be more active as admins. What I don’t understand though is why you need admins to do all the stuff listed above - You don’t need a red tag to do any of those things! The only stuff admins can do is modify plugins, or fix the server when it’s down. I think you guys might be thinking that admins have a major say in big server changes, which isn’t really true. Any major server decisions have always fallen to jugglingman and I.

We want to keep running Arcane. I think jugglingman and I do a good job of making sure things go smoothly. I mean, I think it’s fairly impressive that we’ve kept the server going for this long (well over a year!) with VERY little downtime or major issues.

Ok, done.

I’ve never liked demoting inactive staff, there’s always the chance they’ll come back and play. I trust my old mods, so I don’t see the point in removing them.

I’m strongly against a map reset, but we will run a poll in about a week - If something like 80% of the server wants it, we’ll do it.

Lastly, I’m sorry I’ve been so inactive - I’m going to put a lot of effort into being around again. I love Arcane as much as you guys, and I want to keep it awesome. :sunglasses:


(Please remember that English isn’t my native language. As such, I often lack nuances and the tone comes out as rough or meaner than I intend it to be…)

I feel sad that after 11 of your most active members, including 6 mods, tell you that there’s a huge problem, you just seem to brush away the solutions by simply answering “I’m sorry”. Especially after, as it seems, Jugglingman and Morios seem in favor of most of the stuff we proposed.

About the role of the Administrator:

Urban Dictionary definition:

[quote]“Somebody who ensures the day-to-day running of something, be it a system, a business, etc.
Online, they run everything from servers to websites, forums, chatrooms, etc.
They are charged with the responsibility of keeping everything running and in order. As such, they have powers well above and beyond those of regular users”[/quote]

Frankly, you can’t just let the community decide for itself everything, we always need and want and always have wanted your input, because it is your server.
But you seem to use that argument when it suits you… You can’t play both cards, saying it’s the community’s server when we want you to do more stuff, and then saying it’s your server when we actually propose some of ideas (I remember you saying yesterday that it’s your server, you pay for it). That just seems unfair.

On the rest of the internet and minecraft servers, administrators serve as :

  • The face of their businesses,
  • The guys who are charged with creating a community,
  • The guys who know everything,
  • The guys who have an idea where they want to go and what they want to do with their community.

That’s why we are longing for active admins and not just guys to talk to when the server breaks

About the Founders :

We see that you guys have paid for Arcane, and it is fair that you should keep a rank or a say. But have you really been doing such a good job ? If such, why did you feel the need to add 2 other admins ? Can you really congratulate yourself for the provider doing a good job with downtime ? Because when downtime struck, we’ve seen your response time : 32 hours.

The Founders proposal was a way to keep you guys around without you needing to do more than you do/can already, even splitting the pay for Arcane. We see you don’t really want to play or you can’t play, and that’s ok. We need active invested administrators. So we would give you a rank, “Founders”, because that’s who you are ultimately, but the rest of the busy work doesn’t have to be yours. Let the new administrators give the impulse Arcane needs to thrive again.

So in short, yes it is impressive that you kept the server running despite being very very inactive. I wouldn’t say that’s a good thing though.

About demoting staff:

They’re not here, and some of them are never coming back. If they do, they can apply again. Where’s the problem with keeping a staff list that is logical and not full of people in cryogenic stasis ? Do you think it sends a good message when new people see a 15 names long staff list and never see half of the players ?

About the map reset:

1.9 introduces some big changes. The End is completely revamped, Glass Item Elevators are broken, etc… Plus, we’ve been on the same map for almost 2 years. It’s a lot, and most of the farms or roads are done now.

Why not take the opportunity to have 1.9 be a new beginning, something fresh where everyone active right now can experience building a spawn city, for example ?

Plus, we don’t have to lose our first map, lets keep it accessible ! It’s a win-win.

And really, it seems very weird for you to make a poll that need 80% of “yes” to pass.

You should take those solutions more seriously. You’ve been away for months, literally months. You, coming back after we pointed out how bad you were doing your job and saying “I’m sorry, I’ll advertise more”, isn’t gonna solve any problems. Please, I beg you, reconsider those solutions because they come from the most active, community-oriented, Arcane-loving players you have. Don’t brush it off so easily.


I’m actually really glad to see this being brought forth to the members of Arcane. Now that I don’t have any midterms plaguing me, I think I should chip in my feelings on the matter.

Yes, we need more active admins. It feels wrong to force the current inactive admins to play Arcane because it’s “their server”. Being forced to play is not the same thing as wanting to play. I don’t have any issues with “passing the torch” to more active admins. There’s nothing wrong with that. Yes, AgentRed still owns the server, but judging from what I read, Arcane did not go in the direction that was intended. That is fine and understandable since players constantly come and go. In short, I don’t necessarily blame the admins for being inactive on front-end.

On the back end (server-side) there is more that could be done. Lots of good suggestions are tossed around about switching server providers to a cheaper and faster alternative than the current provider. Server lag has become a larger and larger issue on Arcane probably due to the sheer number of people with builds on the server, the incredible spawn chunk, redstone etc. I don’t know how to fix this hardware wise as I don’t know what hardware is allocated to the server. There are many lag-reducing plugins that cleans up entities like ClearLagg and Anti-Lag. I don’t know how this would effect the “Vanilla-ness” of Arcane. It’s also not my decision to make though I would think I have some say being one of the older Arcane members still active.

In short, I don’t blame the admins for being inactive on the server, but the time it took for the server to come back online clearly showed some issues that have been simmering for some time now. I am glad that the changes I agree with have been made, and made in a quick manner too!

As for 1.9, I am all for a “Multiverse” or Stargate-esque server. I don’t want to see the current Arcane that we all love to simply disappear into the void. I think it’s fair to say that the amount of time spent on the server projects more than makes a multiverse adequate. I don’t think this really gets rid of the vanilla aspect of Arcane because it’s all still in survival, no spawned in blocks, just pure vanilla minecraft when it comes down to the mechanics. If spawn were to be moved to a new area for 1.9, I would be A-OKAY with that. Current spawn, while amazing and beautiful, is also a mess. I would want to start a clean slate for 1.9 spawn and simply not allow mining under spawn, limit the amount of farms at spawn to the bare essentials (iron, food).

I don’t know the resources that would be required to do all of this, but it shouldn’t take a huge amount of either.

Yes, I support the multiverse. A world for Pre-1.9 Arcane (the current world), a 1.9 world (new spawn), and possibly a creative and/or a pvp world. Don’t know how this would even work, but I’ve seen some crazy servers so this doesn’t seem too farfetch’d.

Hope I don’t come off sounding too demanding, but I wanted to discuss this from both sides here. I hope this sheds some light on my feelings on the whole situation.


I’d like to talk for a moment about a suggestion that was brought up regarding going forward with 1.9 on the server. I’m not, at least at this time, going to comment on some of the other issues that have been brought up in this thread. I’m still not exactly sure how I feel on all the issues enough to really comment, despite being in overall agreement with the need for some of the changes proposed, which is the reason I signed the original Letter.

Now, as for this, there was one idea that was proposed in a conversation I’d had with a couple of the people here as a possible solution which I am rather partial to.

Now, to start, I’m sure many of you are familiar with the Arcane Space Agency. It was a project of Ytor’s to build a space shuttle. I say, why not we “use” this shuttle to “colonize” a new world? We have the Portal to fresh TerraGen within the shuttle and we “land” (or “crash”) it at the new Multiverse 1.9 TerraGen.
What I’m getting at is that yes, we need a fresh slate. But I don’t think we need to get rid of the world that we’ve built. That, and I would not want the server to Fragment into another server because of 1.9.

As I understand it, Multiverse (and Multiverse-like) plugins have the capability to keep inventories tied to one world. So we make a little lore behind it. “It’s a Fresh Start, Build From the Ground Up. Join the Colonies” We can have a landed/crashed shuttle at spawn, build a little city around it. Maybe one a little more modern-esqe than the one we have at the current spawn.

In this sense, the new areas would be optional, but they would allow for more exploration and expansion, without radically increasing the size of the map. Don’t get me wrong, I like what we did with the map for 1.8, but doing that again (especially if we double the radius again) massively expands the map, and makes it a little difficult. Even with the Nether Ice Roads.

If this is at all too confusing of an idea (I’m writing this on very little sleep), PM me and I’ll try to explain it a little better.


[quote]Now, to start, I’m sure many of you are familiar with the Arcane Space Agency. It was a project of Ytor’s to build a space shuttle. I say, why not we “use” this shuttle to “colonize” a new world? We have the Portal to fresh TerraGen within the shuttle and we “land” (or “crash”) it at the new Multiverse 1.9 TerraGen.
What I’m getting at is that yes, we need a fresh slate. But I don’t think we need to get rid of the world that we’ve built. That, and I would not want the server to Fragment into another server because of 1.9.[/quote]

I actually like this idea. This way it’s just far enough from spawn that it won’t be affected by the lag AS MUCH. I also like the idea of using Ytor’s Space Agency, but he needs to finish it first :laughing:


The space shuttle idea! I’m glad you both like it.

It would be a perfect spot for the portal between both worlds.

I have been asking the regular players about using multiverse, and so far everyone who’ve I discussed it agrees.

I was looking at other semi-vanilla servers, long-term ones like us. Every one uses multiverse to allow travel between more than one map. I think it’s key for a long-term server to survive.

I think having two will be fine. There are some valid concerns about it splitting the community, but from what I’ve seen on other long-term semi-vanilla servers, this has not been the case. Of course at first more of us will be on the new 1.9 map than “Old Arcane”, a whole new map and spawn to build! But this will wear off.


Hey everyone!

I’d like to start out, by saying, I love all of you! You’ve been magic to me and I appreciate that!

My vote is for the following.

Make map larger.

Move spawn.

For the love of SimonOrj… Make a Youtube video that gives a tour of Arcane. ( i’ll help pm me if you’re motivated.)

Create a new world.

Use the new world to make a series of youtube videos, on how to make a Semi - Vanilla server from scratch.

Cross promote the worlds on reddit, twitter, instagram, and youtube. This will allow everyone to be happy playing both servers. The pioneers get their adventure and the vets get their server filled with more people.

Keep the Arcane gods happy.

If you want to connect with me I’m Jhett Collins on Skype. I just downloaded Mumble, but I haven’t found the Arcane Mumble address yet. (Haven’t really looked.) PM me the mumble address someone k pwease.

Please don’t let Arcane die it makes me feel all squishy inside. I just want to remind you guys of some of the projects you’re protecting. ( Forgive spelling errors.)

Love Town
A Giant perfect Circle.
450+ an hour iron farm.
Nether Lounge
Gold Farm
Jaco’s place
bby’s floating islands
the rail system and rail station
a farm for everything
witch farm
Waterfall to the sky
Underwater palaces
Sugar cane submerged circle base.
So many personal farms
1000’s of hours
1000000’s of enderman slain.
1 collective mindset working toward building a virtual utopia.


I’m really sorry, I know I missed like 9000 things, that we are all very proud of, this was just off the top of my head.

ChickenMonkey, & GingerSaiyans.


[quote=“Scozzar”][quote=“Dragon_DLV”] It was a project of Ytor’s to build a space shuttle. I say, why not we “use” this shuttle to “colonize” a new world? We have the Portal to fresh TerraGen within the shuttle and we “land” (or “crash”) it at the new Multiverse 1.9.
I actually like this idea. This way it’s just far enough from spawn that it won’t be affected by the lag AS MUCH. I also like the idea of using Ytor’s Space Agency, but he needs to finish it first :laughing:[/quote]

Hooray! Someone likes my idea.


Chicken, your concerns are valid. Please join us on the mumble discussion this friday!


[quote]Make map larger.

Chicken, at this point the map is so incredibly big, parts of it haven’t even been generated. Why should we make the map even bigger?

Also the mumble address is port 9007.


I think the Multiverse thing with a fresh 1.9 world is a good idea. This will allow the building of new farms, builds and can greatly reduce lag/fps issues. Also, “Why should we make the map even bigger?”. How many Mesa biomes are there? The map may be “incredibly big” but this server has (had) a lot of players. You don’t really have to walk long to find someone else’s base.

32 hours downtime? Jeesh. That really is a big problem. I agree that there should be more active staff around.

(Just like DClem, English isn’t my native language, same rules apply here.)


Appears from the shadows

For those that dont know me I was a former moderator on Arcane. I have to say there seems to be an issue with the way staff operates in this community. It seems we let inactive staff be part of staff for far too long. When you have 10+ staff members, you give people the impression you have a large team ready to take care of everything. When only three of those 10 are active, it gives you a false sense of security and leaves the server exposed. When I was staff I remember we had two mods who joined in summer of 2014 and then went quiet for 6+ months before returning, all the while they were moderators the entire time.

I myself had the same issue, after christmas of 2014 I went completely silent, didnt log in the server ever, never even checked the forums, and completely ignored the skype chat. Had it not been for me coming forward and resigning after SIX MONTHS, I dont know long I would have stayed on as staff while being completely inactive.

Point is I think Admins need to be a bit more hard on their staff, remove inactive people, and replace them with active members of the community.

Just me two cents

goes back into the shadows


PS: As I would hate for my town to disapear for ever, you should keep the old map so people can visit but cant edit anything, and then start a new world on 1.9

Get rid of /home and /spawn. Always hated it.


I am for this statement as well. While it makes the game easier, it also destroys part of what makes Minecraft a good game. Modes of transportation are not used often, and people tend to go just so far from spawn with the /spawn and /home commands available.

With that should come a much less laggy and better organized/managed spawn as well.


I’ve always liked /home and /spawn though. Having quick access to the central part of the server to do trades and whatnot is a crucial part of Arcane. I would hate to see that removed…


For these purposes I would not mind keeping /home and /spawn.

One Server I saw once had it where you could Warp to places, but only if you had been there before.
So to “unlock” the warp, you had to get there “the hard way” at least once.


Now warp seems a bit too far for me. I get it, it’s to save time, but then the nether highway would hardly be used. Just so people can visit once and then never use the highway again.

Not having a /home or /spawn would cause everyone to live near spawn, which would inevitably cause the lag problem at spawn we’ve been trying so hard to fix on old arcane and prevent on new arcane.