Greylist application thread


IGN: _fred
Age: 21
A little about yourself: Used to play on a very similar (but smaller) server for quite a bit, which now has been shut down. Looking for a new friendly server, and this looks perfect :slight_smile:


Greylisted! Welcome to Arcane!


IGN: KungFuRabbit
Age: 23
About me: Mech. Engineering student, looking for a server with a decently active community to build with
Saw you guys on /r/mcservers


Rabbit, you’ve been greylisted. Welcome!


IGN: Enduser28
Age: 21
A little about yourself: I wanna play semi-vanilla minecraft and make friends while I’m at it!
[Optional] How did you find us?: I saw a comment someone made on /r/mcservers and it sounded fantastic! Went on the server and saw it was everything it was cracked up to be :slight_smile:


[quote=“Jeb”]IGN: Enduser28
Age: 21
A little about yourself: I wanna play semi-vanilla minecraft and make friends while I’m at it!
[Optional] How did you find us?: I saw a comment someone made on /r/mcservers and it sounded fantastic! Went on the server and saw it was everything it was cracked up to be :slight_smile:[/quote]



Norco is greylisted.
A little about Norco: Soup
How Norco found us: Reddit

Jsl50x is greylisted.
A little about Jsl: Lives in Florida, love video games and run-on sentences.
Age: 21
How Jsl found us: Refereed by Norco.


Splashy is greylisted.
A little about Splashy: I am a friend of Babybread. I’m really looking foward
Age: 16
How Splashy found us: Referred by Babybread.


IGN: SlayPanther

Age: 14 (And 3/4 :stuck_out_tongue:)

A little about yourself: Hey it’s SlayPanther here now here is a few things about myself…I like to play sports (Baseball and Soccer), I like hanging out with friends, and I like playing Minecraft :smiley:

[Optional] How did you find us? I met this person online and they told me they played a really cool survival sever so they told me about it and now I’m going to play it if I get accepted

Thank you for spending your time reading my application I hope I get accepted



sebastiensaboric is greylisted.
A little about sebastien: “I’m matt. Just finished highschool and finally have time to get back to mc. Used to be on a server like this one but its dead now. So I’m giving this one a shot :slight_smile:
Age: 17
How sebastien found us: Through Reddit

SlayPanther, you’ve been greylisted as well. Welcome abroad!


IGN: xDill
Age: 17
A little about yourself: I live in New Zealand and enjoy playing CS:Go, Minecraft and Football
[Optional] How did you find us? My friend, IceCubesBurning.


ign xmonkeyboi
age 14
about me i dont judge
found u through juxtixe, a friend of mine


Age: 12
A little about yourself: redstoner, miner, good with people, i can build good player statues, my skype is: Cody Poulin
and i hope i can join
[Optional] How did you find us? my friend justine. her IGN is juxtixe


Monkey and PurpleSlime, you two are greylisted.


Thatbanjokid is greylisted.
A little about jokid: “I’m a long time mc player. Been looking for a server for a while. I like to play frisbee, swim in the river, drink beer, and have a good time.”
Age: 18
How jokid found us: Reddit post.

herrlegoknekt is greylisted.
A little about herrlegoknekt: “I […] enjoy hockey.”
Age: 24
How herrlegoknekt found us: Reddit subsection.


IGN: Zroit
Age: 18
A little about yourself: I’m a boy?
[Optional] How did you find us? Through my friend, we were looking for a server to start playing on again after a pretty hectic Senior year.


Age: 18
A little about yourself: Going to college soon and I’d like to enjoy my summer playing minecraft with friends <3
[Optional] How did you find us?: /r/mcservers comment


Zroit and Tr4Q, you two have been greylisted. Welcome!


IGN: UHC_WhyAlwaysTnT
Age: 16
A little about yourself: i live in australia and i like minecraft :stuck_out_tongue:
[Optional] How did you find us? a friend (FPGDolphin)


IGN: WhyAlwaysNay
Age: 16
A little about yourself: I’m from New Zealand Love minecraft and my fav sport is Football :smiley:
[Optional] How did you find us? 2 of my friends icecubesburning and FPGDolphin