Wonders of Arcane


Add more in this thread. And help identify.



Dclems Opera Hall


Isengard by canti28

Cargo Vessel by…ugh cant remember IGN

Freehaven’s Walls

The Pirate Ship in High Silvaras

Jerb’s Pyramid


I don’t know the official title of the first one, but I know it’s a yin-yang styled arena built by Tytus. It’s one of the first arenas ever built on the server, but it never saw any use :stuck_out_tongue:


I believe the Ship in High Silvarias was fone by MatthewWaitken/Ignatius. I think.

The Cargo Ship, though, that was done by Tigakor and his sons.


Thanks for featuring my Opera Arena, even though it’s now much less impressive than the rest of the creations here x)

Too bad the Nautilus isn’t visible from the Dynmap ! :smiley:

As for the second picture, I think it’s B455M4N’s tree base :slight_smile: