While we're down, let's chat


So what is everyone planning to do on the new 1.9 map once we’re up?


I shall go on a marvelously short adventure back to my ice plains where I intend to build a very homey semi-luxurious log cabin, maybe a small village of sorts, add in some custom trees, bridges, paths…you know


build up supplies to build an even biggererer bettererer vault than i had in 1.8
currently planning on 3 levels of chest room with working real life style elevators between floors, a gigantic 4 wide 14 block tall piston door, with a jedi balance symbol on the top of the flat topped mountain i found.

inbetween that im going to work on public farms,food and ironfarms first, then gold, slime, witch, blaze farm, wither skelly farm etc.


Well, I saw this island on the map, and I was going to settle it.

:cry: It’s right outside the current map border.


The server is back up! Come join us! :smiley:


Just tried to join, its saying whitelisted still