We're planning a server event!


[size=150]Arcane server event! :slight_smile: [/size]

We are planning a server event and we need to know what time would work best for everyone. Right now, we are looking at this Sunday, November 22nd at 8:00PM EST.

We’re planning to do a group build, and then maybe a sort of server tour where we go around and check out all the awesome projects people have been working on, as a group.

Let us know if the time and date works for you, or if you’ve got any cool ideas for what we can do!

Also: Be sure to join us on the Mumble, with or without a microphone. The address is arcanemc.mumble.com, port is 9007.


I shall be able to attend this proposed event.


looks good to me


count me in, sounds like fun :slight_smile:


How about:

-have everyone meet in the Dojo, the PvP arena under spawn

-at some point go to the Minigame Area (orange highway), where there’s at least 2 games that can be played :slight_smile:


I don’t believe I will be able to attend.

I have obligations I already have planned for Sunday nights. If I can slip out early, I’ll be on, but thats unlikely.


I am going to attend. As a matter of fact, I am going to reinstall minecraft just for this event!


I’m going to try and make this, but I will be starting to move to a new (real) house that weekend, so we’ll see how I’m doing on time. Would really love to be there, though.