We now support the Minecraft 1.8 client!


Arcane is now running the latest version of Spigot, which offers support for the 1.8 client!

What does this mean?

Players can now connect to Arcane via the latest Minecraft version (1.8). However, the new content is not available just yet (the server is still running on 1.7.10).

When will we see the new 1.8 content (like bunnies and slime blocks)?

We’ll be switching over to Sponge, Bukkit’s replacement, as soon as possible. This is expected to be ready in a little over a month. In the mean time, I’ll be looking into plugins like Granite which add most 1.8 content to the latest Spigot build. However, these plugins come with a level of risk (problems when updating to real 1.8, or other issues) so I’ll be treading carefully.

If you’ve got any questions, feel free to leave them here.


please save a version of the map before implementing granite stuff. If we have problems with the 1.8 switch later on, we can always at least revert to the map from right now. A lot of progress might be lost but it’s better than ALL the progress


Will the new biomes (mesa etc) spawn in the expanded part of the map? Is there a problem of them being pushed into the already built map?


I won’t be using mods like Granite if they’re likely to cause issues like that. Rest assured though, we’re always taking backups.

When we’re finally able to update to real 1.8, we’ll be expanding the world border in order to get the new biomes. I believe 1.8 actually has the ability to add the new water temples in to existing oceans, too.


Indeed !

EDIT: But the spawning of the Ocean Monuments will partially fail if the space is occupied by something unnatural. Since we have a lot of ocean-bases, there’s a risk of having incomplete monuments here and there…


As far as I know, water temples only spawn in areas where players haven’t stayed for longer than “A couple minutes”. Even so, once we have a map expansion, temples are bound to appear in those regions. (Also keep in mind that all materials found in temples are renewable except for sponges).


Renewable only with the guardians, who spawn only in those temples… Plus some are pretty rare. To assemble a single sea lantern, you will need to kill at least 20 guardians ! So it’s a very strict and small kind of “renewable”…


I believe we are already planning on building a community guardian farm. So the sea blocks shouldn’t be an issue.


Wither Skull Bedrock trick doesn’t work on 1.8.
Oh no… DESTROY all the BEDROCKS!!!

EDIT: It doesn’t work already…


Some good news from the lead Spigot developer just recently - “approaching 1.8 release”! We just might be seeing true 1.8 with plugins soon!


awww yis. suck it bukkit


Roses are red
Violets are blue


Roses are red
Here’s something new
Violets are violet
Not fucking blue


[quote=“DClem”]Roses are red
Violets are blue

this made me chuckle