We’re getting raided by advertisement bots! Run! Hide!
Wait, they’re not equipped with heavy chain lasers and missile launchers so we’re fine! Or are they…
We have a botting problem
Advertisement bots??? Wherefore art THOU?! Thee shalt plan not on advertising in this site!
But I’m confued abiut what bots you are talking about: bots joining Minecraft or bots on our forums (Googe [bot])?
Anyway, we shalt get hammers and countershield deployed immediately!
I mean forum bots, and the space exterminator terminator laser equipped forum lurking robots have been defeated!
Or have they? dun dun dunnnnnnnn!
Ah, this kind of bots! Those bots are really annoying! We just have enough hammers to deal with those laser-beaming, space-exterminating creepy crawlies!
DOUBLE the Counter-Shield! Increase the hammer-power! I see more of those crawling saucer in the very distance! May we be safe in sound, capt’in!
I’ll be working on beefing up the registration requirements, so hopefully bots won’t be as common.