I completely understand what I did was wrong! Spamming in chat making inappropriate conversation in chat It was completely unnecessary for me to make those remarks. As-well as antagonizing Chat Mods. But What Khuzdbuzd did was a complete over reaction to what I was doing. He muted me for 1 hour without any warning for me to stop. If I remember correctly the first offense is a 1 Minute Mute and so on. But no he started with 1 Hour Mute in stead of what he is supposed to do.
[Unmuted] Jaydawg134 Unmute Appeal
What Khuzbud did was not in any way an overreaction. You were completely aware of the rule you were breaking, and you did it directly after a chat mod warning just to try and provoke a response.
You were also very rude to a certain person in the chat as well.
You understand what you did wrong, please be sure you don’t do anything like that again.