[Unbanned] Ban appeal: Sniperdoesmining


Ineed to be unbanned because I got banned for no reason. there should have been no eason I got banned.


What is your Minecraft username?


sniperdoesminecraft I got banned but it was a miss understanding


with my other friend so he went to the admins


he keeps trying to get me unbanned and my other friend is too. one is Brandon and I forgot my other friends name


I’m assuming you mean “Sniperdoesmining” and not “minecraft”.

I’ll get back to you soon


yes thanks that’s what I meant. if it helps I apologize for doing it.


Well, you should be apologetic regardless if it helps or not!

Anyhow, the player who you were banned for taking items from has requested your unban, so I’ll go ahead and do just that.

In the future, keep out of trouble!


ok thank you soo much!
