If you have two homes, that’s great! Thank you for your donation!
We are using a different home plugin now. However, there is a slight problem with the two homes being in two separate worlds, such as the default one in the overworld and the second (named) one in the nether. This causes problems when you type in “/home” in the nether: it will send you to the second home in the nether instead of the default home in the overworld.
The best solution to this problem right now is name every single homes that you own. Go to your default home, type in “/delhome”, and then “/sethome 1” or something similar. This will send you to the home you explicitly mentioned and to that only.
Also, all of your homes should be named differently for the entire server. For example, if you have home named “2” in the old world ("/home 2"), then you should use a different home name for setting the home in the new world (e.g. “/home 3”) to avoid weird conflicts.
If, for some reason, you already have home named “2” but you cannot overwrite your home “2” by using “/sethome 2”, then delete that home ("/delhome 2") and try it again.
That’s all. Best of luck!