The End. (Hopefully not)


Hey guys, I haven’t been on nearly as much as I’d like. This summer I’ve been quite busy with work, and I just got a research assistant-ship for this following year. I hope this is not the end for me, but I will not be able to play nearly as much as I did last year. I’ll try to drop in every once in a while and see how things are going. Thanks for all the fun guys!

-Ignitius (aka Dux Ignitius, matthewaitken)


Hope you get a chance to play again soon!

Best of luck with life stuff, while it’s sad to not have you around as much, who can blame you for needing money and real-life stuff.

All the best,



Good luck with the new work!


Have fun! Be sure to have fun!


Great news! We will miss you Ig, will be good to see you once and a while though.