Spawn Renewal Project: Farms


This thread relates to the various community farms around our spawn area. Here we will discuss which are to be moved, removed, or kept in place.

Remember that we are currently facing a lag issue at our immediate spawn area due to the number of underground builds, which includes the farms. As such, most of the farms are being moved out of necessity, not to make them more accessible, visible, etc. This is purely a lag issue we are tackling, and as such keep that in mind when discussing this topic.

Thus the main topic of discussion will be the allocation of space for some of the farms.

Please note that the Ice farm is not under discussion. It’s not a cause of lag, and too much work was put into it, therefore it cannot be moved. Also, it looks pretty cool so it’s staying put.

While we value your opinion, the ultimate decision will be taken by AgentRed and Jugglingman.

As always, be civil.


If the ice farm isn’t causing lag, neither is the treefarm. I suggest to move it right next to the ice farm.

I suggest to place a foodfarm close by, possibly even move the shroomfarm right next to the ice farm aswell.

I advocate for this because of the following reasons:
-Easy accesibility of Farms
-Central Location of farms (All next to each other)
-Foodfarm still being in the radius around spawn that is constantly loaded
-This placement does not obstruct the view from the spawn building

Concerning the treefarm:
We should consider placing it inside a building for the following reasons:
-Making a stairway up to the top of trees will make it easier to remove them. (Aswell as potential flying trees)
-Being able to control the heights of trees (Removing the possibility of large oak trees)
-Aesthethic purposes.

Since we want to grow large trees (Spruce, Jungle) it’ll have to be a skyscraper.

Concerning the foodfarm:
It is crucial for 1.8 purposes to place the foodfarm within a 12x12 block area around spawn (Entities in this area are constantly loaded) in order to make automation more effective. Food in 1.8 is an essential resource even more than before becuase the game mechanic of trading depends on it. The new trade mechanics make it so every trade has a 20% chance to refresh all other trades (Making them tradable again). The new farmer-trader has 5 food-to-emerald trades. Making a foodfarm which covers 3 of these food items and placing it inside this 12x12 radius will allow us to have the villagers that replant the crops constantly loaded, therefore supplying an immense amount of food for trading and eating.

Having a steady income of emeralds is crucial because in 1.8 you will no longer be able to repair items infintely and villagers offer enchantements (The librarian offers 3 enchanted books which he keeps the same permanently) that are far more controlable than the still-random enchanting-mechanic.

TL;DR: Place the foodfarm in a 12x12 area near spawn for 1.8 reasons.


I agree with the area Karasaar highlighted for a central location for the farms. It isn’t too far away from spawn, but isn’t so close that it takes up space close to spawn that could be used for more aesthetic builds.

With the issue of having a building for the tree farm vs. just open space, perhaps we can make a building only for smaller trees (oak, birch, etc.) and have an open area next to it for only the larger trees.

The cow farm should be moved farther away, maybe near the sheep farm. It has a lot of entities and redstone, which is probably contributing to the lag issue. Also, we should find a less complicated set-up. Even with multiple signs and directions, players seem to be getting confused about how it works, where to look for cows, and when to kill them.


[quote=“bbycake”]I agree with the area Karasaar highlighted for a central location for the farms. It isn’t too far away from spawn, but isn’t so close that it takes up space close to spawn that could be used for more aesthetic builds.

With the issue of having a building for the tree farm vs. just open space, perhaps we can make a building only for smaller trees (oak, birch, etc.) and have an open area next to it for only the larger trees.

The cow farm should be moved farther away, maybe near the sheep farm. It has a lot of entities and redstone, which is probably contributing to the lag issue. Also, we should find a less complicated set-up. Even with multiple signs and directions, players seem to be getting confused about how it works, where to look for cows, and when to kill them.[/quote]

The main point about having a building is to be able to make a staircase to make it easier to chop down large trees. This is one of the main benefits of the current treefarm and we should keep it.
(Also this way we might be able to come up with a nice-looking skyscraper design)


Quick update:

The carrot/potatoe farm south of spawn is, for now, staying put. The potatoe farm to the west on the other hand is being cleared. All farms under spawn are going to be removed and placed within the new Farm District.

We have narrowed down to three possible place to have the farm district:

Area 1: Just west of spawn, there is a ton of buildings that are going to be removed there, including the small potatoe farm. very close to spawn and tons of space to fit everything. Downside: Might be too close to fix the lag issue.

Area 2: Proposed by Karassar, this area is still very close to spawn but quite limited into where it can expand. Also potentially too close to spawn to fix lag issue. Plus side is quite close to the ice farm so we can have all our farms in one place.

Area 3: Empty valley. Plenty of space to fit everything without issue, and far away from spawn to fix the lagg issue. Downside: might be a bit too far for newbies so they might not get to it. Also issues with not loading chunks often enough for the farm to always grow.

PS: farm district will also have a small food farm there with carrots, potatoes, and wheat so we dont have to have new players go south for their food only to go back to the farm district to get the rest of materials.

Also, for areas 1 and 3, the farm district wont take up the entire circled area, thats just the available space to use.

Please give feedback, and be civil.


[quote=“rhalyon”]Quick update:
Area 2: Proposed by Karassar, this area is still very close to spawn but quite limited into where it can expand. Also potentially too close to spawn to fix lag issue. Plus side is quite close to the ice farm so we can have all our farms in one place.

Might I reiterate a few points I’ve made and make them a bit clearer.
1. The new buildings placed in the farm area will be:
b[/b] treefarm
b[/b] foodfarm
b[/b]Possibly A shroomfarm
2. The redstone-circuitry to be used consists of:

  • A railway system for sapling collection. (1 Hopper on a minecart)
  • Detector system for minecart unloading (1 Comperator + redstone/r. torch)
  • 4 Dispensers
  • However many hoppers are needed to move items into chests over a short distance

-Same as with (A) without the dispensers. Carrot and potato farm does not require railway. (in 1.8)
-Max 5 villagers. (in 1.8)

-4 Dispensers
-Possibly small autofarm: max 6 dispensers(water), daylight sensor.

3. Comparison
Compare this with the redstone circuitry for the Ice Farm

  • 319 Pistons activated by
  • 2 Hopper Clocks (Not very laggy)
    This seemingly does not add lag spikes when the clock activates to push the ice.

Compare this with the abondaned farms and underground stuff at spawn

  • 4 Iron farms (3 of them abandoned. 1 broken) => Loads of villagers. (Entities)
  • Mobfarm (Not that bad, but still)
  • Massive network of stripmines. (Although I’m not even sure if that adds to lag. Doesn’t the game only load that sort of stuff once unless there are block updates?)
    -Possibly unknown redstone circuitry. (Clocks, etc).

The builds I have proposed to keep close at spawn do not add noticable lag to the spawn area. Compared to the Ice farm (which also doesn’t add noticable lag. If it did we would get lag-spikes since it moves ice periodically) these builds are nothing.
Considering we are moving the cowfarm (Entities) and other farms/underground stuff there really isn’t any reason to move the farms any further than where they fit. (And where they are noticable)

Concerning Area #1
I strictly oppose this location since this is really the only place I see possible for the embassy district. I havn’t seen any other propositions of where to place the district so unless one comes up this really isn’t a possible location for the farms if we are to build the embassy district at all.

Concerning Area #3
In principle this location is possible for the tree/shroomfarm) however for max. effectivness an auto-foodfarm would not be possible in this location (Too far away)


I’ve been using this design in my base and it’s pretty fantastic. Ultra compact, very little redstone and the cows die automatically when they grow up.


The downside of that one is, it doesn’t cook the beef into steak which the current design does.
Since we have a limit of 50 cows per chunk it seems smarter to go for a less compact design (We have the room after all) in order to not have to cook the stuff manually.

We could however make the cow-holes smaller since a lot of people seem to think that’s important.


Best cow farm design I know of:


Simon’s design


It does.

Still have to stare at them for 20 minutes before you can manually kill them. In the other design you can just breed them and forget about them: they die as soon as they grow up into cows - that’s the lovely part for people with no patience whatsoever (such as myself).


It does.

Still have to stare at them for 20 minutes before you can manually kill them. In the other design you can just breed them and forget about them: they die as soon as they grow up into cows - that’s the lovely part for people with no patience whatsoever (such as myself).[/quote]

Gotta agree, and if it doesnt cook em we can just hook up a smelter to the bottom and fix the issue


It does.
It does not. Have you not closely watched the video you posted yourself? He has an furnace hooked up to the farm because it doesn’t cook all the beef.

Using an autofurnace is a totally unnecessairy waste of resources. Might I remind you that due to the breeding limit we would have to use 9 auto-furnaces?

It’s totally unnecessairy to use furnaces to cook them.
Also on the point of havning to wait 20 minutes:
You have to wait 20 minutes anyway to keep the chunk loaded. Otherwise the cows won’t grow. We avoided this at spawn because…it’s spawn and the chunk is loaded anyway. But since we’re moving the farm due to your concerns we cannot use that anymore.


Aw did I post the wrong video? I didn’t favorite it after building it in my base and I’m always having a bitch of a time finding it.

Anyways, I logged in on Arcane to make sure (in case I’ve been hallucinating for the months I’ve been using this design) and the chest under my farm is indeed full of cooked beef.

Is it really a point that needs that many posts to discuss? Am I trying to lead a cow-farm-design conspiracy? Am I secretly getting paid by the coal mining industry? Could it be that ancient aliens built the pyramids of Egypt? I don’t even know anymore.

[quote=“Karasaar”]Also on the point of havning to wait 20 minutes:
You have to wait 20 minutes anyway to keep the chunk loaded. Otherwise the cows won’t grow. We avoided this at spawn because…it’s spawn and the chunk is loaded anyway. But since we’re moving the farm due to your concerns we cannot use that anymore.[/quote]


Is it really a point that needs that many posts to discuss? Am I trying to lead a cow-farm-design conspiracy? Am I secretly getting paid by the coal mining industry? Could it be that ancient aliens built the pyramids of Egypt? I don’t even know anymore.[/quote]
No. You’re just wrong. That’s all.
Why do you always feel the need to misrepresent what I’m saying? Why is your only answer to a valid point brutal sarcasm that adds nothing to the conversation and is built on a misconception of what I’m saying?

Why is it that when I bring up that you’ll have to wait anyway all you have to add is this?

It’s because you have nothing to say. You are incapable of acknowledging any error whatsoever. All you can do is criticise my style of writing which once again adds nothing to the debate.

If you have something constructive to add that isn’t just a misreprenation of what I am saying, feel free to post the video to the farm you actually ment, or post screenshots. Whatever you like, just please, stop attacking me and instead look at the issue at hand.


I actually considered adding a joke in the previous post about having to provide some kind of official certificate to prove that the cow farm in my base does in fact cook beef, but I thought that’d just be unfair.


Cow farms are clearly a very sensitive topic though, so let’s try to forget about the irony of people being incapable of acknowledging errors, mammaries that are obviously not in need of any soothing, and my inscrutable but clearly evil motives for lying about some random Minecraft fact.