Serious social problem on this server


over the last few weeks i have encountered what i consider a serious problem on this server.

after our groups hard work to build and make assorted farms public we have had the following happen:

blatant ignoring of rules posted on signs dictating usage of farms
unauthorized modifications to our farms
theft by taking too much of a farms limited production
outright animosity and shit talking towards us
claims that our work and efforts are owned by the public because we choose open them to other users
constant complaints that certain farms are not yet public
constant complaints that we have not built specific farms

these have been done multiple times by multiple users.

i think there needs to be a serious discussion on these issues and until this discussion is had and addressed
by all the active admins and mods on behalf of our group i am closing all our currently open farms
and will not be opening any further builds to usage by the community.


We talked this over on Mumble and everything is ok now :slight_smile:


Let’s build something beautiful together.

“It can’t rain all the time.”

Be happy brother. Feel that sweet, sultry, and sweaty love that we all call - Arcane.- Take a bath in it. I’m in it right meow. Feels goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood.