[color=#008000]It’s been very quiet here recently.
Let’s make a story together, shall we?
Rules:[ul][li]Post one sentence at a time. Quoting a post will not count as a sentence contributing to the story [size=85](See 4th bullet)[/size].[/li][li]Each post should be by different person. If it’s all by same person, where would the fun be?[/li][li]As for the topic, we can make it as we try to make a story through comprehensible sentences.[/li][li]To comment on the progression of the story, you must post within a quote, or it will be mistaken as continuation of the story.[/li][li]Server’s chat rules apply, but be creative![/li][/ul]
[size=85]Minor Edit: Changed the way commenting on the story work. (15-10-2014)[/size]
I’ll start it off:[/color]
It was thousands of years ago when Arcane Nation was founded.