[size=200][color=#56A]Screenshot of the Week Contest![/color][/size] - 1.8 Edition
[size=80]Original idea by CreepMeOutx[/size]
[size=90]Jan 11 to Jan 17[/size]
[color=#080][size=140]Topic: Week #10 - 1.8 edition[/size][/color]
So, 1.8 is finally out on this server! I’m sure many of you will explore the never-before explored areas out beyond the old border!
So, this week’s theme is capture any scenery that’s outside of the old worldborder!
[size=85]Note that it’s scenery outside worldborder, not necessarily 1.8 scenery.[/size]
[size=75]*Scenery =/= 1.8 creation![/size]
[color=#555][size=140]Voting: Week #9[/size][/color]
We have five submissions for Week #9.
[color=#558][size=140]Winner: Week #8 - New Years’ Day edition[/size][/color]
The winner is… (We already know.)
[size=130][color=#BF8040]DClem[/color] for being the only submitter![/size]
Runner up is:
[size=120]JogarCraft from week #7’s competition…![/size]
If you have any concerns, feel free to contact me!
[size=200]Happy 1.8![/size]
Screenshot of The Week Contest – Rules & Guidelines (really outdated)
Server Rules
[size=80]Sneak peek next week: Somewhere in Spawn area… (Seriously, this time.)[/size]