First things first, we should come up with a cooler name for this (ex: Operation TBD)
Since the Spawn clearance has been OK’d, I was hoping to step in to give an input about how it can be carried out since it has to be a well-organized endeavor and properly supervised. Criticisms or suggestions welcome. I’m not the one organizing it nor am I asking to do it, just trying to get the conversation started so we can get things moving.
Sundays (Evening europe, afternoon US) is the time most people are available. We should try and aim for a Sunday, and probably make it an on-going/all-day event. Staff should be around to properly supervise the operations
However, this Sunday is far too soon because we need to go about this properly. Agent agreed we should keep some of the good builds, but what defines a good build? I propose we make a preparatory thread where people nominate buildings they like and then either the community or the staff votes on it. Same thing with buildings that are completed but are abandoned and/or badly done (this includes some of the community builds).
As for the incomplete buildings, staff should mark them out to make sure they are actually abandoned, while giving the community a one week notice where they have to claim they are actively working on it or will soon. If a player claims to finish a building, he should be given a time period where he has to fulfill the commitment or the building gets removed (lets say 2 weeks).
After the votes are cast, and buildings kept/moved are decided on by Agent the staff, it’s the job of the staff and any officers they recruit to mark out the buildings with dirt towers with 5 torches on top (1 on top, 4 on each side of the top-most block). To avoid having dirt towers at spawn for too long I recommend they carry this out the saturday before. Alternatively, if we rather mark out the ones we plan on keeping, then we can do that since it might actually be easier. Personally I recommend marking the ones to be removed because we avoid the risk of accidentally miss marking a build we intend to keep and instead gets removed.
Tackling the Lag Issue
We also need to have a very serious discussion about tackling the lag issue at spawn. It’s not a server problem because we dont experience it at our homes. It’s a spawn problem and it must be solved because new players associate the lag with ping problems so they leave thinking we are based in Kuala Lampur.
Excess signs and farms need to be removed. The quote room should be moved further out, while the number of barely used farms is too much. If we wish t build a compound further outside of spawn where all the community farms are placed, then so be it but the number of entities at spawn needs to drastically reduce.
While this may be controversial because a lot of people have worked on it, the Troll market should also be removed. I have personally almost never seen people use it unless they are working on it or seeing it the first time, and it’s a massive amount of entities right below spawn. I also dont see why it has to be hidden underground, we can easily mark out a market area somewhere on the surface which is a few chunks away from the spawn point.
Furthermore, carved out caves + torches contribute to the lag issue, so we should fill them out once emptied. I know this is a sensitive subject but this entire discourse began with Agent identifying our lag problem. We have chosen collectively to keep our current spawn but we still need to tackle the issue.
Building Material removed is collected in a community chest area which we will designate at a later time, which will serve in the construction of future community builds. Furthermore, any valuables and tools recovered should be placed in a separate area to be dealt with at the discretion of Agent and Juggs. Personally, I would collect it all and then distribute it to those who participated as a token of gratitude.
Cleared Areas
Once preparatory work is finished (or after spawn is cleared although I rather we not have an empty spawn area for too long), we need to mark out some areas for specific use or for any community builds we might want to add collectively.
Personally, I like the idea of having an Embassy district for us town owners as a way to attract players to live with us. It also adds a community feel to the server when new players come and see how many towns are advertising for residents.
As said above, I believe the troll market should be moved above ground so designating an area for that will also be crucial. I rather we discuss this before giving people the chance to build houses randomly around spawn
Again, these are recommendations and conversations starters, Agent and Jugg are free to do as they like and anyone is welcome to give their thoughts.
I however recommend we do one of these clearings every 3-5 months to keep spawn lively and interesting.
Thanks for reading!