Poll: Range of Local Chat


Change Local Range?

  • Make the max range 4k to match the world border, leave default as is.
  • Remove max range entirely, leave default as is.
  • Change the default range to be the maximum at 500.
  • Change the default range to be the maximum at 4k.
  • Add a third command between /local and /global, that has an expanded range. (Suggest a name!)
  • None of these, it’s fine / I have a better idea that I’ll post below.

0 voters

Hey all. Currently, the range of /local defaults to 40 and goes up to 500 blocks. I originally restricted the range because I was worried about the possibility of large radii lagging the server, but so far it seems like there’s no risk of that happening. Also, I’ve heard requests for a longer range.

So, my question for you all is, what should I do to improve /local? Remember that you can save your range with /ltoggle (until you turn it off again) and that /global (or /g) will send a message to everyone even if you have local chat turned on.


Range should be 350 blocks.