New Arcane Idea Pit


Greetings fellow dorks.

I feel like we need a place to post ideas for, - New Arcane- . Also, I figured this would be a good place for our project leaders to discuss needs and recruit Miners/Builders. We need goals. I am almost always on at 2am or later CST. I’m on with the other side of the world and there’s less communication with community leaders that late at night. This will help our late night dorks stay in tune with everything.

What are some things that we did the first time, maybe, we wished we hadn’t?

I’m very interested in being a major gatherer on New Arcane.

Love you guys/girls

-ChickenMonkey Arch Arcane AFK Wizard.-


Definitely a nether hub will need to be implemented ASAP. This will prevent people from strip mining under spawn. As soon as a proper nether highway is established (like walk to portals, not iced yet) we can then explore the new seed much faster. That will allow sand farms, cobble farms etc to be set up first.


Nether Hub and Spawn will be first projects for sure.

Simon and I and the rest of Arcane Rail Authority (A.R.A) will be making a glorious clean organized rail system.


Maybe the Nether highways should be combined with the rail system? It would save a lot of materials and time, and wouldn’t interfere with overworld bases once those start appearing. At least make the Nether Highways somewhat straight or logical this time!

Also, the current spawn has a huge public farm tucked away in a corner, and a food dispenser that’s gathering dust in the main spawn building because it’s hard to spot even with the signs on it. I suggest that if we make a public farm, it should have an auto-harvesting section (daylight sensor maybe?) that funnels food to an easily-noticed dispenser. I know there aren’t a lot of crops that can be fully automatic- melons seem like our best bet once we find seeds.


Wheat, carrots and potatoes (maybe beetroot?) are afk harvestable too, but they require villagers. Maybe a little too advanced for the start of a new world?


[quote=morios]At least make the Nether Highways somewhat straight or logical this time!


Or if you make one at an angle, make it wide enough.

As for the rails on the Nether, part of the point of a Overworld rail line is to see the places. Not just to Get there.


We should make the new Nether Highway at a lower level. That should allow the path to go through interesting Nether terrains.

We should make it high enough to not burn down the ice, of course…


And long bridges around where they fit for horses and rails :smiley:

I want us to make a 1000-block long large bridge that connects two bodies of lands across the dead middle of the ocean.


[quote=“SimonOrJ”]And long bridges around where they fit for horses and rails :smiley:

I want us to make a 1000-block long large bridge that connects two bodies of lands across the dead middle of the ocean.[/quote]
Joining the bridge comitee :slight_smile:


I think it would be really cool, if we set up a “New Arcane Starter Quest”. This would be the first thing that people do when they join the server. A right of passage if you will.
Make it to where everyone who starts gets X gear at spawn. Along with a map and instructions. Set each marker on the map to a city or something awesome. End the journey with a portal that has a single rail running back to spawn and a sign at the end that says “Your journey has ended, but the adventure has just began! Welcome to New Arcane!”

This would also, make for a dope video for recruiting more dorks.



Simon and I and the rest of Arcane Rail Authority (A.R.A) will be making a glorious clean organized rail system.[/quote]

And boatways for sure with the new boats! :smiley:[/quote]

Drek, we got a sweet canal that can be made in Old Arcane, would go from Spawn to near Rep of Taiga. The new boats will be amazing on that, and on bontrose’s existing canal system.

And on New Arcane, hells yea. Canals!


I’ve wanted to build a sprawling underwater city for some time now, but time constraints, building materials, and now 1.9 has deterred me from doing so. When we get the new spawn up and running, I’ll attempt my dream again, and probably make a community around it. Also, an underwater railway be neat though It might be a pain to work on.


Yeah, an underwater city would be a really good group build. I would totally be down for helping out with a project like that :slight_smile:


yes, yes. rip out the land to make way for the canal. someone design-y can make bridges for roads(not me unless you like concrete bridges)