Need Help with Nether Portal


I built a portal out in the desert and when I activated and went though I came though the portal for Sandstar. I went back through and ended up in sandstar

Any help would be appreciated.


Step by step

  1. Destroy your portal (remove one block)

  2. put block back, light it up, dont go through it

  3. write down the coords of your portal

  4. Divide the X and Z by 8

  5. Take the coords from step 4, and build a portal at those coords in the nether (check other portals in the nether to see what their Y coord is and build it at the same height, i dont remember right now)

  6. Activate the portal and go through. You should be coming out at your place.

PS: Keep track of negative values. If your X and Z are negative, the answer in step 4 should also be negative


I’ll just wait until someone can help me, I’m still new to the game and really don’t want to screw anything up.