When I saw the thread, all I thought was : “Oh god, here we go again…”
So, this “idea” is pretty old, since Agent has already proposed it months ago (Click here to see it), and I will basically reply almost the same thing:
I’m strongly opposed to this idea.
1 - Spawns always lag. Move the spawn, and in 2 months, the new spawn will lag as bad. This is NOT a solution.
2 - Our spawn lags less than before. The work we have done with the underground and the redstone machines shutting down clearly has made Spawn better. People with bad computers still lag, but see point 1 about that.
3 - Our Spawn is unique and beautiful. In no other server have I seen an open, central, player-built natural spawn. It is the reflection of Arcane as a whole throughout this first year, it represents each of us. Getting rid of this is getting rid of this feeling of community.
4 - Our Spawn was built to be the center of Arcane. Without new players spawning there, it will completely loose its purpose. We built the Overworld Roads from spawn, the Nether Highways, Simon’s Railway system, the Farm District, the House of Chests, the Spawn Statue, the Embassies. All of that can only work if this is the one and only center of Arcane, not if new players don’t see this ! It seems you see Spawn as an isolated part of Arcane when it is actually at the center of giants systems such as the Nether Highways and the Overworld Roads. Remove this heart and those systems are useless.
5 - We have worked our asses (and horses) off for Spawn. Do you realize the amount of work that went in the Spawn Renewal alone? Here a non-exhaustive list of links to threads about it:
Yes, these are ALL threads (but not all the threads) about how we are organizing ourselves to make Spawn a better place. And this is only since the Spawn Cleanup has started.
In game, we’re talking about HUNDRED of hours spent cleaning builds, filling the underground, rebuilding whole districts with massive terraforming (Farms, Embassies and Harbor), as well as very costly improvements (Spawn Beacon Grid) and builds made to make everyone feel as a part of the community (House of Chest, Spawn Statue).
Change the Spawn and all of this work will be of no use, since new players will not see it.
And fyi, just yesterday DrDescartes, a new player, said our spawn was beautiful, and he loved the feeling of being in a town.
6 - We are still working our asses off for Spawn.
Here’s another few topics about how players are still to this date making spawn a better place:
Think about how discouraging it is to hear the admin say “Well, I don’t care about your interests in Spawn right now”…
7 - A new spawn will reproduce all of the problems we now solved of our Spawn. It’s not only the lag that will undoubtedly start again at the “new spawn”, but also all the others problems: it will not be linked to the whole world, it will fill up with shitty abandoned builds, it will not have the resources we gathered in our Spawn, it will not represent our Community.
8 - We have to be proud about our past. Why do you try to hide Spawn, the mirror of Arcane’s first year, under the rug ? We should be proud and celebrate how great our spawn is, how great our community is. Making “as if” Arcane was a new server with a new spawn is ridiculous and vain: it will not work, and frankly, it’s lying to the new players.
9 - New Players don’t leave because of the lag. We’ve had a lot of new players recently, one of them has a bad PC and lags at spawn, ok. But the others are still here ! What about the players who don’t even try to be greylisted ? Who knows why they leave ! They don’t even read anything, they probably just logged in by mistake or something.
10 - Lag is not the reason we’re not hitting 30 players. This is a ridiculous statement. We’re not hitting 30 players because we’re in exam weeks, not in holiday weeks. Plus, 3/4 of the moderator team is absent, and the admins are only now returning to Arcane after 2-3 weeks of absence. Not a holiday + Not enough staff + Nothing happening for a month = No motivation to play. And we’ve hit everyday about 10 players, that’s already very good seeing how bad the situation has been in the past few months. But again, lag is not the problem here.
11 - Finally, two Spawns (however that may work, and it won’t) is highly unvanilla. We have, time and time again, praised ourselves for being as vanilla as possible. Are we going to throw away one of the main feature of Vanilla: the one spawn per world ? Are we going to add yet another command ? Once again, we’re gonna sacrifice a bit of our “vanillaness”, and it will be in the best case scenario for nothing or in the worst case it will severely harm Arcane.
So please Agent, reconsider, don’t throw away hours of works into a new off-centered deconnected Spawn.
As a solution, I can only see one, but it is also no very vanilla: Have a “Random teleporter” at spawn, sending the new player to anywhere on the map beyond 5km of Spawn, so that they may quickly be in the wilderness and not have to “endure” the apparently horrible, player-frightening experience that is our Spawn.
As for the greylist: You are out of your mind if you think we can deal with the amount of sh*t we had last summer, with at minimum 1 major grief everyday.