EnderEnder and 1.8


[quote=“baconfortress”]It looks better, but it’s a whole lot slower. Where I could get 30 levels in a couple minutes at the old one, the new one takes 5+ minutes.[/quote][quote=“DClem”]That’s because the new EnderEnder is built on the End island, a HUGE mistake. There is a reason every Enderender ever built is far away from the island: to prevent anything from spawning or teleporting out from it !

Plus, the mechanics behind endermites and endermen are new, and apparently, they don’t work reliably. Something we could’ve seen before building it if proper debate, info-seeking and tests had been undertaken before building it…

It’s great that so many people decided to build it so quickly, but now, we’re stuck with an enderender considerably slower…[/quote]
Rhalyon is right. It does take more EXP to level up in 1.8.

Also, the whole island is covered in water. All that needs to be done if you want even more efficiency is cover up more 3-high areas with water.

If you seriously dislike the new ender ender, there is an old one preserved behind the door. You can use that one when no one is in the End.


As Simon has said. The new endure dear is quicker but it will not get you to lvl30 quicker. This is a trade off to only using 3 levels for a lvl30 enchant in 1.8. It evens itself out in the long run I believe but I think the new farm is a lot more practical


All this debate and none of your figured out what I just did. [b]Enderman spawn in a light level of 7 and below and on the platform we have a beacon beam that emit a light level of 15! there you go, the enderender suck because they can’t spawn on a large spot of the platform!

EDIT: I’ve just disabled the beacon for testing purpose and the rate are significantly better. I’ll leave it disabled till we find a way to place it/reactivating it without causing troubles.


So it was the beacon the whole time? Why don’t you just move it away from the spawn platform?


Yay for the fix! We’re so dumb that we didn’t see that x)


Uh, guys… Beacon beam does NOT emit light… Just the beacon itself does.

It might actually be the technical part of the server that limits mob spawns.


Another weird thing is when 2 ppl are at the enderender the spawn rate seem to be better than alone