Did I miss an announcement about the Farms and Embassies?


Hey everyone!

I came on today and noticed that the farms and embassies were almost done. I thought we weren’t starting on the community stuff until filling the tunnels under spawn was finished? I’ve been down there a good part of the last two weeks but I went past the embassy area and there was a HUGE building there and the farms were already done :frowning:

I thought they were supposed to be community projects? I didn’t see an announcement anywhere on the forums, and I know in the latest spawn thread said that we were going to wait until after the tunnels were filled before we started. I also thought there was going to be a thread where we’d get more info on how the embassies work, because if all the builds are going to be this big I’ll be lucky to get a 2x2 space to put something if I’m not one of the first four people to claim a spot. I was also hoping to help with them too, but that’s just me being me, I really like to build stuff.

Did I miss some kind of announcement on Mumble, because I thought that is what the forums were for. Mumble makes me lag too much so I haven’t been on in a week or so, but I also know a lot of the people who helped in the mines dont go on mumble either. I thought mumble was a place to just hang out, not a requirement if I want to feel included in community projects.

Since the mines aren’t done I wasn’t expecting the work on the community builds to start, which was something I wanted to try and be a big part of since it would be my first real community build. It kinda sucks that I, like others, just spent the better part of two weeks filling mines so that we could start working on the community stuff, only for it to be done without any warning. I thought part of the reward of filling mines was to be able to contribute to a community project we all need and use, but it seems our work in the mines had little effect on who got to build the farm district.


Yeah, so i’ve only been back for roughly 4 days or so, so all of this is news to me.

I remember when I took a break at the end of August, the spawn had been lagging very badly due to the large amounts of farms that had been recently built there.

So hearing about the tunnel filling in stuff was good news, but it seems odd then that once the tunnels were filled, it was an excuse to build more farms. Which in the first place is odd. We’re a survival server, however, we have farms that essentially turn the game into creative mode. I know they’re useful, but survival is supposed to be somewhat of a challenge. Not only that, they detract from the in-game economy. Most blocks are worthless now for trade, and others are super overvalued. I just don’t get it.

Maybe I’m missing something here, but if the point of filling in tunnels was to remove lag, why add in more lag creating things? The logic just doesn’t line up.

The point of spawn isn’t “let’s all build right here!” We have the whole world barely being utilized and one point is lagging so badly that you had to resort to filling in tunnels. That’s crazy. I hate having to go to the spawn for anything now. It’s just become ridiculous.

I get that community stuff is fun, but why not move around the world and do those projects?

Plus, if people legitimately worked doing the boring stuff like filling in the tunnels and then were left out of the reward builds…that’s plain fucked. There’s really no better way to tell someone to go screw themselves, than to not acknowledge their hard work. Melium, I’m sorry for the server that that even occurred.

Finally, the ultimate point I think is that the point of a spawn is to welcome new players to the world. If it’s lagging as badly as it is, I would just leave and not stay. Anyway…that’s my two cents.


Since I built most of it, I guess I’ll respond…

That goes against all of our philosophy in Splawn. We make ressources available, we always have, in big quantities. You don’t HAVE to take them, but they’re here. For the economy side, we mostly trade anyway, only expensive items get sold for diamonds.

Plus, the lag has diminished a lot lately (Troll Market gone made a huge difference), and we built farm that do not produce lag. With the exception of the Cactus Farm, they are ALL manual farms. No redstone, no water flow, few signs and no item frames.

I never heard it was going to be some kind of “Big Event”. More like something we had to do already 2 weeks ago, if not 3, and that got delayed again and again for no reason. We need farms, so we’re getting farms.
To quote Jugglingman about the Harbor Project:
“You guys don’t really need our permission to do stuff like this anyway :wink: Also, that applies to the entire map. Not just around spawn.”

I had the implicit authorization of Jugglinman (an admin), and the explicit authorization of Bbycake (a mod).

To present the farm building as the reward for filling up the mines seems like a very bad deal. Building those farms was not really fun… The Sugar Cane for example, was a pain to build because of the source block planning to get maximum efficiency and covering out of it.

The reward for filling up the underground is lag reduction at spawn. And, in my opinion, it is ridiculous that players have to do it, when it would take 15 seconds on world edit.

So I’m doing what I can, and we has to be done: I’m building the farms. It’s boring, trust me, it’s very far from any good and fun community build !

Farms are a part of Arcane
I had the authorization
The farms I built aren’t laggy at all
Filling up the underground is ridiculous, having to build the farms as a reward is even more ridiculous.


My internet was down, sorry.

  1. You misspelled my name.
  2. I made that post 2 days ago, you started on the embassies 4-5ish days ago, so don’t act like you were going off of my “authorization”.
  3. That quote wouldn’t be authorization anyway.
  4. There was a server wide agreement to not start on the embassies yet:
    which you seem to be ignoring. A post saying “Yo we’re starting on embassies ignore what rhalyon said” should have been made instead of just going ahead without letting everyone know.


Well, I was under the impression that it was ok.


I ok’ed it because people were getting frustrated with waiting for a decision.

I should have made a post about it, or discussed it more. I’m sorry, that was my bad.


I thought the decision had been made already, which is why we were all filling in the mines under spawn. I don’t understand where the ambiguity was? It was made pretty clear that first we fill mines, then do the farms and end the whole thing with embassies.


There was no reason for the delay though. That’s where the frustration was coming from.


What was the delay? There was a posted timeline that we were all following and the first stage (the mines) which weren’t, and aren’t finished.


Why the embassy was being put off for last. People were eager to work on it and there was no reason it couldn’t have been developed concurrently with the mines.


The whole situation reeks of disorganization, do the mods and admins even discuss this stuff before it’s carried out? From what i’m seeing here Jugglingman didn’t even know about any of this.


I do agree there was a reason for the timeline, it was the incentive to finish the mines…if people were excited to build new, they would in theory hurry up and fill the mines. I agree it is ridiculous to have to fill them when 15 second in McEdit would solve the problem…and I don’t mean new chunks…fill the bottom 20 levels with stone, so no new resources would be added to the map. but they need to be done…the push to get them done needs a end result…filling the tunnels is crap work…if there was not an end in sight like the new projects to promote people to finish them…it would never get done.

I was not involved in building the farm, but I did light it up the other night, because it was a mob nightmare. It need to be fenced in more, to keep mobs and animals out…and lit better to be more functional, plants use light levels to determine growth rate…I did increase the light level some, but it should be way more.

As for the embassies…it was never going to be many buildings to begin with, so you have not lost out on anything. the plan was to have a few main cities (main cities were defined as active players, with active communities, which there are not that many) have their own space to build (and if a city is abandoned they loose their space to the next new city) and then a group build area, for people to advertise areas they would like to draw people to, to form cities…the space would be ever changing no need to have expansions, because dead cities would loose their embassies. Hope that helps you understand that area a bit more…it is plenty of room for the intended purpose.

So how about everyone stop arguing about who said what and who did what, and everyone start helping the few filling mines. Lots of hands make light work…lets get it done already…I am tired of reading about this project, lets just get it done.

If you have not paid attention the sand star (sand mine) has been upgraded to include a stone quarry for the tunnel project. It is at the end of the Light Blue Highway in the nether. Ytorgonak set up a haste 2 beacon so if you have an eff. 5 pick it is instance mining. Please don’t go any further into the desert that is still sand mining. If you dig down more make sure the ladder is extended, so you can get back to the platform. There is a furnace set up to cook the cobble if you like, but cobble is fine for the purposes of filling tunnels