Automated Fortress Farm


hey guys

ive been discussing with greasy_bandit and some of the other members about automating the fortress wither skele farm

with the design ive looked into we should be able to up the skull rate to about 4 every 10 minutes.

i will need help though! there are still a bunch of small islands around the area that need cleared out, as well as a pretty big area that needs slabbed to stop mob spawns near the farm.

what is a good day we can plan to all be on and work on it together? if weve got 5-6 guys working together we can get it done in a couple hours.

also who built the original farm? ive got a question about the height of the current spawn platform in relation to where the original columns were.


As long as the farm isn’t a mess of sticky pistons and string there shouldn’t be a problem LOL


We have a huge problem with pistons and slime blocks disappearing when the chunks unload, so I don’t know if its a good idea… We already tried and failed miserably…


after testing with the slimeblock design and it failing i looked at this design

ive tested it and it works fine, but itll require some modifications to remove slimeblock crushers, and some piston pushers for the mobs


Mytos, I trust your ability to make this work. I know I’m not a mod, but I say go for it


:smiley: i fully support this. the current design is wasteful and dangerous.


As long as it has less redstone than the previous design it should be good. You guys thought the lag was bad now, LOL. The other one caused SO. MUCH. LAG.


the proposed designs only redstone is a comparator clock to run a timed piston crusher, no hopper clocks, droppervators, piston pushers, etc. just 20 minecart tracks and the crusher


I remember that one.

And you guys thought CM’s “Ship “Engines”” caused lag. Hah.



The farm i previously made? lol what a fail


That was you?! I thought that was Kar


Judging from the dynmap, it looks like the Wither Taco was unsuccessful :frowning:

It’s okay though!


wither taco was a bust, farms been restored to a killing slab for now.

i have not admitted defeat!!! i WILL make this farm automated!! its just a matter of designing something new