Arcane Forum Link Shortener


[size=85]*Technically not a link “shortener”[/size]

Due to not so popular demand, we implemented shortened link to every single forum post!
This is a great news for those who want to use signs or simple words to direct people to go to a forum post!

For example, on the sign (which has character limit), instead of saying:Greylist App go to our forums and find it!
you can say:Greylist App arcane-minec
(Of course, the links on the signs aren’t executable, but it just makes things easier.)

Isn’t it so simple? Another example on other sites is:

Check out rules:

You can say:

Check out rules:

It’s so cool! Now you might ask:

[size=150]HOW DO I USE IT???[/size]
Well, if you check out the quoted links above, you should see the similarity on the last few digits of the link:

Basically, just look for t=# on the original link, take that number, and throw it in with It can’t get shorter than that!

Another example:
can turn into

Have fun in using the shortened links!
If any problem occurs with the links (or site in general), please notify us!

~Simon [size=85]and Web development[/size]
Shortened link to this post:


… This is one of those times that I suggest we actually use a Command Block.

Have a button at spawn (highlighted in some way) that runs the command

/tell @p To apply for the Greylist, go Here:


[size=120][color=#dd4b39]Did you mean:[/color] [color=#1a0dab][/color][/size]

[size=120][color=#1a0dab]Legit Servers - Do Not Use Command Blocks[/color][/size]
[color=#006621] [size=80]▼[/size][/color] [color=#777]Arcane Survival[/color] [size=80][color=#888]▼[/color][/size]
Command blocks are not natural part of Minecraft. This shows that servers that have command blocks are not legit, and we want to stay as legit as possible. Arcane Survival is a 100% legitimate, Semi-Vanilla Minecraft server. …

[size=90]… Sorry, I had to…[/size] :nerd:
We do have /greylist command available, though. Ungreylisted persons will get a message saying they are not greylisted when they join while not greylisted.



If you want to go that route, you could honestly argue that Command Blocks are more legit than the commands we have. “/home” is not ‘legit’. “/lwc” is not ‘legit’. Hell, neither of those are Vanilla. Command blocks, however, are Vanilla. They are in the game to begin with.

Now if you are arguing that it’s not Legitimate Survival, I can kinda-sorta see the point. I see no reason we could not use Command Blocks near spawn to give information to people that are new.
I’m not suggesting we use them for teleportation, or for giving items, just the distributing of information that is somewhat important if you want to play here.

Now, if you want to go a more “legit” route, by your definition, why don’t you put something about “Not Greylisted? Go to: [Link]” in the MOTD.
I think I saw the PvP Tourney was still being advertised with that, you could just replace that.

Another option I would suggest, though “less legit” by your definition, would be to give everyone that spawned in the first time a Written Book with the rules, and other information within.


Our definition of “legit” is no creative mode, worldedit, or anything that would spawn or modify the number of items or give unfair advantage to the players. Of course, commands like /home and /lwc are not vanilla and may not fit with “legit” aspect of the game. However, having command block is a huge proof that we spawned in items. To keep the gameplay fair, no one (seriously, even the admins) ever touches creative mode. Although command blocks are vanilla, it is not part of legit survival. However, making commands through the use of plugin would be much safer and better way to distribute information.

A little flaw on your argument is the way you treat as if “legit” and “vanilla Minecraft” are synonymous. They shouldn’t be. We can define “legit” in many ways, but the fact is we are semi-vanilla.

It would not be necessary to announce “Not Greylisted?” message since newcomers and not-yet greylisted people see such message in their MOTD every time they join the server. But I do agree with you that newcomers should be presented with server rules when they join.



Ungreylisted players already see “You are not greylisted! Ask a staff member for approval or apply on our forums!” When they join and every time they try to do something they don’t have permission to do.