3rd Rate Ship of the Line- Matthew Aitken



My newest build, in the kingdom of High Silvaras (Rhalyon’s cove). The design is based off of Silhouttee’s design (http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/napoleonic-era-ship-bundle/). Come check it out, and bring some enderpearls to reach the top of the masts!


Looks amazing!


Very cool! :smiley:


Awesome job man! I’m glad you picked my cove to build this, it’s a really nice view from my library :smiley:


is Matthew Aitken the name of the ship?


Wow, that’s a very well done boat!


I need to name it, don’t I. I’ll take suggestions if anyone has any ideas.


I need to name it, don’t I. I’ll take suggestions if anyone has any ideas.[/quote]

How about SV/USS/HMS/whatever Aitken? Despite being your user, it’s also the name of a semi-well known Astronomer